

Object and Type


Object  : FCApp

Type     : Method





Public Function is_rel_exclusive(tbl_num As Long, rel_name As String, _

                                 tbl_fld As String, _

                                 objid_fld As String) As Boolean





This method determines if the specified relation is an exclusive relation (or not) for the specified table. If it is, the final two arguments are filled in with the names of the table and objid fields that are used to perform the exclusive relation functionality.





Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                          

tbl_num                                 Yes                         Number of the table (e.g. case=0)

rel_name                                Yes                         Name of the relation

tbl_fld                                    Yes                         Contains the name of the field used to store the table number

                                                                                for the related table

objid_fld                                Yes                         Contains the name of the field used to store the objid for the






A boolean (true/false) that tells if the relation is an exclusive relation. If it is, the final two arguments contain the names of the fields (in the tbl_name table) that contain the table number and the objid data.





The example shows if  "case2r_rqst" is a valid exclusive relation for the case table.


Visual Basic:

The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.


  Dim tbl_fld   As String

  Dim objid_fld As String

  Dim ret_bool  As Boolean


  ret_bool = FCApp.is_rel_exclusive(0, "case2r_rqst", _

                                     tbl_fld, objid_fld)

  If ret_bool Then

     Debug.Print "It is exclusive. The table field is '" & tbl_fld & _

       "' and the objid field is '" & objid_fld & "'"


     Debug.Print "Is it not an exclusive relation."

  End If